
Elgin Trail End to End Part 1 of 2 - April 30, 2006 Green Striped Trillium Posted by Picasa

May Apples. Posted by Picasa

Red Trillium Posted by Picasa

Moo! Steak anyone? Mmmmm she looks delicious! Posted by Picasa

Any ideas what these are? Please comment and let me know. Posted by Picasa

One pink and one white....trilliums that is! Posted by Picasa

Woodlot of Trilliums... Posted by Picasa

Nested Pink Trillium amoung some whites... Posted by Picasa

Any ideas what this is? Please comment if you know. Posted by Picasa

Trout Lillies Posted by Picasa

Any ideas what this flower is? Please comment if you know. Posted by Picasa

Something Blue....Virginia Blue Bells. Posted by Picasa

Taking a stroll through Virginia Blue Bells. Posted by Picasa

White Trillium with a log for a backdrop... Posted by Picasa

Lunch Break on a horse jump Posted by Picasa

Lunch Break Posted by Picasa


Maitland Trail 2 of 3 April 28, 2006 Posted by Picasa

Getting ready to set out...


Setting out...

Red Trillium

 Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa

The Mighty Maitland River

Canadian Geese

Willow Wood

Eating Lunch

Skunk Cabbage

White Trillium


Elgin Trail led by Brian Wilsdon - April 17, 2006 Posted by Picasa